repitching to half / double tempo

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    first of all: really great further development of the in-the-box looper idea! As an owner of both versions of the Datalooper, I have to say: a dream come true.

    But I have a question regarding a function that I use all the time with hardware loopers (for example with the Boomerang) and that I sorely miss with this looper: repitching the loop to half tempo (but also repitching to double tempo. Just like with a tape machine…). Will this option be available on the DL1 in the future?


    yes please – super useful function


    i got an answer to this feature request directly from vince. he wrote:

    Regarding the half time thing, that’s actually a pretty easy feature to add since we already have pitch resampling in. I can add it as a feature request. I’m going to set up a changelog + feature request portion of the website soon enough, so any additional requests can be made in a more trackable way.

    So we can hope to see this feature in a future version of DL1!! That makes me happy, since it’s such an important thing (at least for me)! 🙂

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